Vancouver Postcard Club – Annual Show & Sale May 31, 2015

By on May 10th    /    Announcement    /    0 Comments


Vancouver Postcard Club’s 28th annual Show and Sale

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Hastings Community Centre,

3096 Hastings Street, right across from the P.N.E. grounds.  

Open to the public 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Sales and Displays.




There will be two dealers new to our show this year. Alan Pringle and Dan Propp, as well as most of the regulars. This year’s show will probably feature the largest selection we have ever had of other paper collectibles, including ephemera from Rein Stamm and Gerry Davies, stamps, and postal covers, particularly at the tables of Per Jensen, David Johnson, and Don Kaye.  But collectors should try to visit all dealers because most of them have a little bit of all types of paper. You never know what you might find at any table.

As in previous years, the Vancouver Postcard Club Show will feature displays too. Anyone interested in submitting a display should contact the Club as soon as possible.

For additional information about the Postcard Club Show, contact Ron Souch at or by phone at 604 731 1481.

A new incentive for collectors outside the Lower Mainland to make the trip to the Vancouver Postcard Club Show this year is another collectible show and sale being held the previous day, Saturday May 30th. This is the North Shore Numismatic Society’s Show at the Nikkei Cultural Centre, 6688 Southoaks Crescent in Burnaby. Both shows are located close to the border between Vancouver and Burnaby; both are close to public transit; both offer free parking, and both will have good selection of postcards and other paper collectibles.

Collectors who want to spend time at all the tables will find it easier if they attend both shows because some dealers will attend both.  Coin dealers should be expected too at the Burnaby show. For further information about the North Shore Numismatic Society Show, contact Michael Souza at or by phone at 604 983 0009.

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