Postview Newsletter – November 2019

By on December 16th    /    Announcement, Newsletter    /    0 Comments

The Vancouver Postcard Club’s  Postview Newsletter– November 2019 is now available. This issue includes an article on “Some of  Joe Fortes’ Friends” by Fred Hume and one on a “Tabula Scalata” postcard, and more, including a newspaper snippet from 1916 on a postcard camera for sale, and upcoming events.

If you have requested a paper copy, it will arrive soon.

Articles, queries, and ideas for future Postview issues are welcomed. Please send these by e-mail c/o or use the contact form on this website.


Shown above is a Christmas postcard from a private collection. The back is addressed only to Wilson Eddy, and says “Merry Christmas from Aunt Alice”. The card is “Whitney Made, Worcester, Mass.” and the stamp box says “Domestic One Cent Foreign Two Cents”. We’d love to learn more about the postcard, or about Wilson Eddy.

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