Our April Vancouver Postcard Club meeting – on Zoom – this Sunday, April 11th – from 11:30 am-1:30 pm PDT; 2:30-4:30 pm EDT.
To participate all you need is a computer with a camera.
Our theme is Hello, Spring!
One topic is – anything related to spring, getting outdoors, or anything else you are looking forward to…
Of course, any postcard related topics are welcome. Indeed, you are always invited to bring a favourite postcard, or a card that you have a story or questions about.
Please RSVP to info@vancouverpostcardclub.ca You will receive a Zoom link via e-mail. If any difficulty with e-mailing the Club, please contact diane_rogers@shaw.ca
Apologies for the late posting. If you have anything for the Newsletter – news, articles, images, queries – please contact Diane as soon as possible.
A note re this unused postcard – a Canadian Pacific card showing “Alex Robert McPherson, Sleeping Car Conductor, Vancouver”. The description below reads: “This sleeping car conductor serves on the Canadian Pacific Railway’s “Dominion” between Vancouver and Calgary. he is responsible for sleeping car fares, conduct of porter, and everything connected with the sleeping car’s operations. During the summer when traffic through the Rockies is particularly heavy, he may have as many as twelve cars to supervise. Despite his duties, he always has time to answer his passengers’ queries or explain the scenic highlights of his territory. Passengers appreciate this extra service.” Courtesy Simon Fraser University Library, Philip Francis Postcard Collection: MsC216-1783
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