St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island, B.C. Unmailed postcard; “No. 888? [he last 8 seems handwritten]. Edition J. E. Evans, Manufacturer and Dealer in Pictorial Post Cards, Port Rowan, Ont. Made in Germany.”
Our next Vancouver Postcard Club meeting – on Zoom – is this Sunday, October 10th – from 11:30 am-1:30 pm PDT; 2:30-4:30 pm EDT.
To participate all you need is a computer with a camera.
Fall is here, but it seems some days that winter is now just around the corner… Do bring some cards to show, no matter the season.
Of course, you can share any postcards related to anything you like. I hope someone knows more about J. E. Evans from Port Rowan.
All postcard related topics are welcome. Indeed, you are always invited to bring a favourite postcard, or a card that you have a story or questions about.
Please RSVP to You will receive a Zoom link via e-mail. If any difficulty with e-mailing the Club, please contact
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